Episode 58: Visas in Our Passports (Moving to the UK)
B+L end Season 4 by discussing their respective moves to the UK. They go through what they’ll be doing there, why, and where exactly they’ll be moving to. L discuses her feelings as a New Yorker leaving New York for the first time, as well as leaving behind the corporate world. B+L chat through the relationship convos of exclusive convo and boyfriend/girlfriend convo (and how they are two different things, ie Love Island Rules) and the Disposable Dating culture as of recent. They both give final updates on The Lawyer and The Italian before closing this amazing season. B+L will be back for Season 5 of Not Your Girlfriend’s Podcast sooner than you think.
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This episode was recorded in New York in August 2021, any COVID-related talks are reflective of the time of that recording. Please check https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html for the most up-to-date news regarding your State or Country.