Episode 37: The Pivotal Relationship Stage-Six Months Deep

Episode 37: The Pivotal Relationship Stage-Six Months Deep

On this week’s episode B+L sit down to dive deeper as L hits the six month dating stage with her current boyfriend R. They discuss weeknight sleepover issues when morning schedules don’t perfectly align (00:4:00) how different love languages affect a new relationship (00:15:50), thoughts on moving in together when the leases are coming up (00:22:55), transiting from being your normal selfish single self to being back in a relationship (00:41:20). 

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Website: https://www.notyourgirlfriendspodcast.com

Episode 38: Dating with Tom and Tucker of The Undesirables

Episode 38: Dating with Tom and Tucker of The Undesirables

Episode 36: So You Agree? You Think You're Really Confident?

Episode 36: So You Agree? You Think You're Really Confident?